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Are you going through a period of grief? Have you lost some one dear to you through an accident, an illness or tragedy? To grieve is normal. To grieve alone is often overwhelming. Join GRIEF SHARE at Missio Church - a safe place to share your own grief and learn from the grief of others. Grief Share meets on Mondays, at 6:30-8:00 PM beginning February 24, 2025. GriefShare lasts 13 weeks and the greatest benefit comes from attending each session but you can register and begin attending any time and any sessions you miss can be made up during our next cycle of the program. There is a $25 fee for materials but assistance is available for those who may need it.
At our first and last session we will also include a complimentary dinner and we will end those nights at 8:30 PM. If you have any questions please reach out by phone to Missio Church (631-924-4943) or by email (
Attend Evening Griefshare